Hearing Conservation Program Checklist

If you're an EHS or Operations Manager, use this checklist to perform an annual review of your hearing conservation program to identify and preempt unexpected gaps in compliance.

Key uses of this checklist:
  • Ensure your company is meeting all OSHA hearing conservation requirements with ease
  • Identify areas of non-compliance and take corrective action to protect employee hearing health, minimizing potential legal and financial risks
  • Improve overall safety and health in the workplace by protecting employee hearing health, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries
  • Download the free checklist to easily identify any gaps in your hearing conservation program, ensure compliance with OSHA standards, and enhance employee safety and health.

Get the Checklist

Available in Excel upon request.
Thank you for requesting the compliance checklist. Please reach out to the Soundtrace team at support@soundtrace.com if you need any assistance.
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Trusted by U.S. Companies in 40+ States

About this Checklist

Total pages: 4   |  Time to Complete: 10 minutes

Noise exposure survey requirements

Audiometric testing requirements

Training and hearing protection requirements

Recordkeeping and evaluation requirements

Our Audiology Team: Here to Support You

Our team and network of audiologists work closely with you, using data to provide thorough case evaluations and effective hearing health support for your employees.
At Soundtrace, our mission is to prevent recordable injuries caused by hearing loss. Our nationwide network of audiologists is dedicated to supporting our clients by ensuring the well-being of their employees and preventing workplace incidents.
Dr. Subinoy Das - Chief Medical Officer
